It was a thrilling surprise to notice the reflective numbers on the side of the strangely humming green box, and suddenly remember the title- Independence Day- brilliant! After getting the #s jotted down from the reverse of the cleverly dogeared magnetic find. She played on the swings while I "deciphered" the coordinates.

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We went back after lunch with Shawn, and he was quick to notice the next clever clue, once we ran across the open grass to the second waypoint. I wasn't convinced it was what we were looking for- so I hung back while Grace and Shawn went traipsing through the undergrowth. It was faded, so a little hard to read and I examined it closer and checked the other pole- noticing there was no writing on the sticker there, so I figured he was right and we all attempted to guess at the final, which we did not find... yet! We'll go back again. This is such fun stuff!
1 comment:
I see you have a blogger blog now too aye? I have one but it's dormant. Too many blogs for one girl to handle. Anyway, this geogache thing looks like a very Bellah type adventure. Jeff would so not be into searching for little boxes with magnetic fields unless lots of cold hard cash was involved. hee hee
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