Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wii Fit Mommiis

I'm so excited... and I just can't hide it!

Check out what Wii Fit Mommiis is up to tonight at 5 on twitter...

I really want to participate in this grand adventure, but don't yet own a Wii- there is no way we can afford one in our current situation so I am hoping to win it.

It would sure motivate me to lose this extra baby weight... or is it Starbucks pastry and Gingersnap Latte weight? ... or maybe just stress induced... or genetic?

Whatever I want to be a Skinii Mommii!!

1 comment:


Shawn last finished Da Vinci's Last Supper in Nov! No time for puzzles this fall- can't wait until we are in our own place again!!
Are you a puzzler? Want to trade?