My thoughts- although it's far past afternoon...
Whatever happened to UB40?
A baby's laughter is more contagious than a common cold.
Home is where the heart is. The heart is where family is. Family is where you need to be.
Sickness really is a sign you need to slow down and if you don't listen more will come in different forms!
I'm particular to fruit. I would choose it more often than most of the other food groups.
A baby's cry is more attention getting than a drill sergeant at roll call.
Everything can change in an instant. Change your perspective, change your world. Save the cheerleader...
ok getting a bit silly... well Random Tuesday was fun, thanks for the idea http://2toomanyhats.blogspot.com/
That was a great post. It dates me a bit because I did see UB40 in concert at the Greek in probably 1985 or 1986.
The You Tube was wonderful. Truly sage advice in much of it.
Hope you are feeling better.
Random Thoughts Back -
Whatever happened to UB40? - TheyB50. (no, really)
A baby's laughter is more contagious than a common cold. - Yes, but it's hard to call work and say your out due to a case of baby laughter.
Home is where the heart is. The heart is where family is. Family is where you need to be. - In you chest?
Sickness really is a sign you need to slow down and if you don't listen more will come in different forms! - I'm not very good with forms.
I'm particular to fruit. I would choose it more often than most of the other food groups. - That's probably why you married one!
A baby's cry is more attention getting than a drill sergeant at roll call. - Unless of course, that drill sergeant was also a baby.
Everything can change in an instant. Change your perspective, change your world. Save the cheerleader... - If only it was that simple.
-Hubby strikes again ;) xoxo
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